Friday, August 23, 2024

Lucky Numbers



Welcome to my little crafting place! Here's where I share the things I've been making, and sometimes other bits of waffle!
Today I'm sharing the card I've made for Rozwana's challenge to the Daring Cardmakers challenge this week:
Lucky Numbers
This weeks challenge is nice and simple!
Just create a card with one or more numbers on it!
Maybe for a special occasion like a birthday or an anniversary. For a Little 'Un about to start school. Or perhaps a 'Well Done' for someone who's just passed their maths exam!
The two youngest members of our family celebrate their second birthdays in the next few weeks, so this was the perfect opportunity to get a card ready for the first of them!

I started with a bit of work on the pc, choosing a good font for my number '2'. I resized to fit my card then printed it out. Next I fixed it to a piece of card with paper clips (as I might want to use it again and forgot to save it oops!) and cut it out. If I'd remembered to save it, I'd have glued it to the reverse of my piece of card - checking to make sure it would be the right way around when cut out, of course!

Number 2 is a nice easy number to cut out with scissors - I'd think twics for some numerals!

Next I glued it onto coloured   cardstock and cut that out too. The card itself was swooshed all over with pale blue and pale aqua shades of mousse for a varigated, shimmery finish, then I glued the number in position, keeping the glue away from the edges so I could tuck die cuts under. later.

I think the die sets used are by First Edition, but I've lost the cover - they are Baby Girl and Baby Boy sets though.  I've cut them using a pacl of card that was a match for an old Graphic 45 paper pack


 I'm planning to add some Glossy Accents to at least some of the balloons but I didn't have time to do that and let it dry before needing the photos!

Thank you so much for coming by.
 Happy Crafting, Take care of yourself,
Kathy xx



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