There are times when you're left wondering about all sorts of stuff that you thought you knew.
Then you play with paper, move and sort your craft stuff around for a while and hopefully an hour or so of crafty therapy will make the world seem right again. It doesn't always work of course, but it's worth a try.
Ah well, such is life Dear Readers, there are good days and bad days and although it was raining this morning the sun is shining brightly now, my beloved is on his way home and I love him to bits so all is not lost....
Anyway, here's a photo of the anniversary card I've just made:
Beautiful card Kathy :-)
It's deinitely been a funny day today and I too have felt disappointed in certain people :-(
Take care- you know where I am :-)
Gorgeous card Kathy, you're one really talented lady you know that. Sending a big ((HUG))
big big hugs Kathy.
Ooh, I've had one of those kind of days too - strange, eh? I love that card!! Yours always look so classy :-)
Lots of Hugs coming your way Kathy...
Something going round me-thinks!!
Hey girlie, sorry you have had one of those kind of days, I guess they are sent to challenge us and make us stronger.
I love your card, its gorgeous, and thanks for the tag :)
Fantastic Card.. Huge hugs {{{{{hugs}}}}} x
Kathy it's always hard when the people you trust and care about hurt you. Just remember for the one person that hurts you there are a dozen or so more that care about you......Cyber hugs
Sorry you've had a bad day Kathy. I think feeling let down by your friends is one of the worst feelings.
Onwards and upwards though, sweetie - concentrate on the people who do care about you
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