Things are quite busy really, plus I've not been feeling great - lack of sleep doesn't help - I like to get my full quota, and giving up and getting up at 4.30am (which happened the other day) is not something I'm best chuffed about!
I keep looking at my blog and thinking I should write something but failing dismally.
It's not that I'm not making stuff - I am, but it's all stuff I can't show yet. Haven't really had time to do any "just for me" crafting for a while.
So I thought I could show you a photo of the newly painted dining room - but it's not finished and still full of dustsheets, ladders and various bits of kit, so I shelved that idea too. Bits of the garden are looking good, but it's so manky and grey out there any photos would look really dull, so no go there either.
Craftingwise, it's quite exciting really. Actually it's very very exciting!
Bea has asked me to be Guest Designer for the June Ribbon Oasis kit (there's a sneak peek on the website, if you want to check it out - and why wouldn't you?) , so I spent quite a few days up near the ceiling then a few more running to the door every morning to see if the postie had brought the kit yet, then a few more taking the gorgeous things out, stroking them lovingly then putting them away again. Now all I have to do is actually MAKE some things with them.
You know, I buy loads of stuff and happily look at it all, then put it away to be used at some later date - but this is different, this time I can't just hoard it, I've got to USE it - and I have a DEADLINE for using it - how scary is that then?. You'll just have to come back in June to see if I managed though!
Anyway, I've found some new photos to show you - some that Hubby took when we had all that lovely sunshine last month , and that it wasn't just a figment of our imagination! You should be able to click on them to see the bigger versions.

Yah Mrs B what great news - guest designer, well done hun you deserve it!!!
and wow love those piccies - the bubbles one is fab
great to see you back in the land of blog!! x
Yay!!!! on your guest designer news (***green*** coz I've seen the goodies you got)you definitely deserve it. Can't wait to see what you do.
Love the photo's. I agree with Rachel that bubble one is amazing.
Congratulations on being asked to be guest designer. I'm sure you're chuffed to bits! :D
Love your photos too ... they're amazing! :D
Congratulations on your Guest designer spot Kathy... way to go!!
Don't envy you decorating... hope you get it finished soon...
The photos you took are fab and I just adore the bubble one... very clever :)
Well done Kathy that is fantastic news!! Can't wait to see the beautiful stuff you're going to make with all those gorgeous ribbons!
Great news!! Well done.
I know how you feel. I have to be up at 5.30am every week morning & I am really not well. My company only pay sick pay if they feel like it & being alone i have to pay the bills somehow.
I spend half my weekend asleep but updating the blog & crafting something is the only pleasure I get right now.
Congrats on the great news :)
And I love those pictures! The bubbles are quite cool! :)
Have to say my lovely, that Bubble photo is awsome!
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