Oh, and right at the bottom you'll find my Blog Candy Winner.

Couldn't figure out a good way to add photo "corners" so she'll just have to glue her pics on.

I suppose you're wondering who won my little 15,000 visitor Draw then, eh?
Well, the 15,000 mark was reached yesterday, so the names of all those who left a message for me dated 30th April on the info went into the draw and out of the box came................
So Jeanne, if you contact me at the DCM's email address: daringcardmakers@hotmail.co.uk
with your postal info, I'll get your Blog Candy off to you asap
Well, the 15,000 mark was reached yesterday, so the names of all those who left a message for me dated 30th April on the info went into the draw and out of the box came................
So Jeanne, if you contact me at the DCM's email address: daringcardmakers@hotmail.co.uk
with your postal info, I'll get your Blog Candy off to you asap
Thanks everyone - this was fun
I love this work. I want to try something like that with many details.
Incredible friendship book Kathy! WOW! Just brilliant work!
I am so excited that I won! Thank you so very much! Please check back on my blog so you can see what I posted about you. Good things I promise...
I am off to email you...
Thanks again!
Hugs from across the pond!
Looks just as fab as the first bunch of photos Kathy - I love the 'million little things' page too - absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for the namecheck but I still think the Greeks and Romans beat me to it (or are you trying to say something about my age? ;)
damn it - I mean congratulations Jeanne! Am loving this book even more Kathy!
And well done on the 15,000, that is very exciting! x
Beautiful book Kathy!
15,000 hits! WOW you are one talented woman!!!!!! We just can't keep away from your amazing work!
This is gorgeous !! so cheerful with these vibrant colors. Great job !
Ooo how did I miss your blog candy draw ! lol - congrats ! great little mini album you've made ! a load of wonderful details !
ttfn, Pearl
WOW what a fab book, well done. love it
Coming together nicely she will adore this.
Aimee's book is gorgeous Kathy.
She is going to be over the moon with it and love that all her friends can add their bit before she moves.
Gorgeous book! love it!
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