I usually work with the monthly kits and this month's is based around the "Christmas Magic" collection from Fancy Pants. I absolutely adore it - muted red, green and blue shades are much more to my taste for Christmas projects than the brighter colours so this one is right up my alley.
This week I've made this little gift bag. It stands about 16cms high, is 10cms across and about 4cms deep, so a good size for a little pressie that might otherwise get lost amidst the chaos under the tree on Christmas morning!
So, my LWOYWW. By the time I remembered what day it was lol, any daylight that we had yesterday had gone, so I took my photo this morning instead. If you really really want to see how much of a mess it's in, you can click on the image. Someone - I can't remember who it was, sorry, asked for a bigger picture - well that's just masochistic, but I have made this week's photos larger so if you really want to peer closer into the depths of my grime then you can

It wasn't the biggest tidy up in the world - oh no, that's going to happen when we have to clear out the study to let the builders in as we're having some internal insulation fitted (the house isn't ancient, but too old to have cavity walls) to this room as a bit of an experiment. The whole idea of clearing out my stuff brings me out in a rash and a panic, but I'm hoping to con some decent shelving out of the upheaval, at the moment it's all cast-off bookcases and plastic drawers that fall to bits as soon as you look at them.
So, what does my desk look like right at this very moment? It looks like this and you'd better look quickly because it won't last long

Right, I'm off to mess up my desk again now - I have two projects I must finish. Oh, and I should probably move all the stuff I dumped on the floor as I can't actually walk across the room atm......
Thanks for visiting, please leave a message, I do love to read them!
Hi Kathy, Your gift box is positively dreamy darling and I love the soft colours
Wow !! It was I that asked you to super size your photos so I could get a closer look so thanks for that I have zoomed right in this morning and had a good old snoop around your lovely desk both messy and tidy (glad to see you are taking you vitamins!)
Fab papers at the bottom of the first photo, but your small set of draws look a little drunk (up on the shelf above the the scissors pot !!) One thinks you have been stuffing to much of your lovely stash in there, my old granny alway used to say "never over load your draws dear" !!! Lol
Thank you for the line up of your punches that was most satisfying I love your MS set... yummy !!
I see you only made tea for 1 !! Well how unfair you come to my blog invite me over and don't make me a cup !!! Lol next week I'll have a black coffee please ....no sugar thanks ...as you know Susie Sugars sweet enough !!! He he (sorry I'm home alone and gone a little crazy today !!)
Have nice day I look forward to dropping in next week for that coffee
Hugs Susie xx
PS no "z" in Susie that's so common !!! Lol
Love the bag - super crafting and love the colours you've used. As for the shock horror of the desk, it won't stay like that for long - and it shouldn't, because there's bound to be craft busy-ness there! x
Love what you've done for BS today kathy...x and your desk certainly looks a lot tidier than mine. You've made me want to tidy up now!
HO HO HO (it IS nearly Christmas haha) at your desk!!!! Thanks for the super big piccy....had fun with that! Keep meaning to ask...whats that tall white thing on your desk????
Loving the bag, so easy to make & soooo useful for any occasion XXX
Very cute bag! And you inspire me - I need to declutter my workspace. The kiddos have been in there, "helping" rearrange all of my goodies :(
Oh your desk is a picture. And yes, I break out in sympathy at the thought of you having to move it. Naturally, I don't know where you live, but I'd rush round to 'help' if you are within striking distance! I to have had a mahousive clean up this morning, could bear it no more. Has made me a little more productive too! Lawks!
OH Kathy please can you come and tidy my mess up, you've done it so well. You know, when you move your stuff out, I could always look after it for you ;) xx
loving the bag - super cute
Love the bottle of ibuprofen at the front of the 'messy' desk!
You have WAY more stash than you share in the photos chick! I know because I've seen it ALLLLLLLL then went home to my meagre stash and cried! HAHA!
I love your bag Kathy, I'm definitley going to be making some of those for pressies. :)
Love your mess too :) I'll be thinking of you when you pack it up for your insulation! I was dreading the task when we moved, although I had help from the packers - who couldn't believe their eyes! LOL and I don't have a craft room! haha.
a great bag, thanks for the destructions :) Fab work desk too
Lovely gift bag.
Great gift bag and the first pic definitely looks more like a genuine crafter's desk than the second ;o)
It looks tidy to me!
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