It never occurred to me when I posted the sneak peek yesterday that some of you would only manage to come up with an X as the next letter. If I'd thought about it though, I could have guessed which of you would assume that an S and an E could only be followed by an X.
Rude lot that you are!
As if.
So, a couple more letters for you and no doubt you'll think it's something to do with summer holidays now.....
Or maybe not!
The brand new kit from Bubbly Funk is made up of a veritable feast of goodies from Webster's Pages - not just Christmas ones either - it's a bumper kit to see us through into the new year so there are lots of non-Christmas papers in there too - plus all sorts of other bits and pieces to go with it, of course.
I knew there were going to be problems as soon as I opened my Kit Box last Friday. This stuff is seriously gorgeous and the only way I was going to manage to cut into those papers was that if at least the first thing I made would be staying here. With me.
Here's what I came up with
I bought this 8" square canvas on a rare visit to Hobbycraft a few weeks ago . I've never made a canvas before but this seemed the perfect opportunity to give it a go.
I'm really happy with the results and this will be going on the wall, or the mantlepiece once the decorations go up.
You can see how I made it on the Bubbly Scrumptious emag HERE I hope you like it.
Hope you're getting through your lists too
er...sorry Kathy but your canvas would look so much better in my front room!!!!! hehe
Its TRULY GORGEOUS and you should so make more of them!!! XXX
Wow Kathy that is really beautiful. I bet your home looks amazing at Christmas time. I do hope you show and tell once your decorations go up. A x
Already said it once S-T-U-N-N-I-N-G X
I like your square canvas very much!!! It is very beautiful, lots of jewelry there
its beautiful Kathy. I was wondering if it was 12X12 when I saw it on BS but you've answered my question for me.
That is one fabulous canvas Kathy -you can put my name on it! lol lol lol - it's worth a try eh ;-)
Love Lynda xxx
It's gorgeous,Kathy. I can understand why you want to keep it. I wouldn't give that away, EVER!
Awesome canvas. Your layering is very nice. You are so talented!
Stunning canvas!! Love how all the elements fit together. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Anesha :-)
I got these papers with my scraproom kit in the post yesterday they are soooooo good I love what you have done to them they are really nice I cant wiat to use them.
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