My aunt, uncle and one of my cousins are due to arrive this afternoon to spend a few days over New Year with us - I think I've done enough of a clear-up job around the house to get away with - mind you the ironing mountain is something I've not had time to tackle.
Anyway, as it's WOYWW I thought I'd see if I could do a quick blog post while I drink this cup of coffee I keep forgetting about.

My desk is a bit like the Marie Celeste I'm afraid. There's plenty of mess to check out but not much sign of crafting. You'd think that with just the two of us around the place I'd have spent some time in the craft area or on the pc - but that's not how it works out. We've had family pop in, we've been out and about to visit others, we've "played" with the various new toys - new wii games (family ski and formula 1) and of course my gorgeous new iPod Touch (never far from my fingers....), and lots of other things that have kept both of us away from the study - well, it is Christmas and it's just nice to have some time to spend together.
Yesterday we were at the theatre - a wonderful surprise treat from Hubby - I opened one of my presents to find a "Breakfast at Tiffany's" gift bag with a lovely china mug inside, plus tickets for yesterday's matinee performance of the play currently on at The Haymarket theatre. Anna Friel is playing Holly Golightly - she was fab - the stage play is quite different from the film and definitely worth seeing if you can. I did miss hearing "Moon River" though.
I love going to matinees - you can have a leisurely trip into London arrive in time for lunch, go to the theatre for the show then you're out in time to go for a nice meal before heading for home - no panic about catching late night trains which stop at every two-bit station on the way home.
Just had a call to say my rellies are fast approaching, so I'm writing quickly now....
Here are a couple of photos of the voucher holder I made to present MILs magazine subscription info in