Tuesday, December 23, 2008

It's Almost Here!

All the forums and blogs are sooooo quiet right now, I think that, like me, everyone's desperately trying to get that last minute shopping done, the rest of the presents wrapped and of course those crafty gifty makes that have been left till last need some attention - now! before it's too late.

Today I've made a birthday book for one of my SILs and I still have more gift wallets to make for a couple of those who'll be getting vouchers from us.

Yesterday I thought I'd wrapped all Hubby's presents - then went into the cupboard and saw a bag of small things that I'd forgotten. Typical.

My aunt and uncle were staying with us for a couple of nights at the weekend. It was lovely to see them - even if Hubby and I were still snivelling and coughing and not really up to much, it did mean we made a big effort and got the tree up on Friday night before they arrived on Saturday. It also means that the house is reasonably clean and tidy so that's another job done.

We're off to pick up our Christmas food from M&S later, so hopefully that will be IT as far as shopping goes. We live in hope.
If I get those wallets made, and that HUGE pile of ironing done, and those last few presents wrapped well, I'll be all ready, won't I?

So, after that mindless waffle I think I should share a few crafty bits and pieces now.

First up the last of the things I made for Charmed Cards and Crafts - I've been a bit slow getting these on here, haven't I?

Anyway, I couldn't resist making a few cards as the K&Co Swell Noel stuff was so perfect for some quick last minute cards (we all need them, don't we?)
They are all simple aperture cards - I thought the dimensional embellishments would work best that way. The bell in the first card is double-sided chipboard, the bauble in the second is a dimenional sticker
This fabulous snowflake comes in a big box of similar ones - lots of different sizes, some all white, some with pale colours like this one - and they're all highlighted with glitter - absolutely gorgeous!
The last card has the little double-sided chipboard boot hanging loose in the window so it'll swing around a bit. The greeting is a rub-on from the same Swell Noel collection.

Right, I think that's it for Christmassy things for another few months.....

It was my friend's young son's birthday a few weeks ago and I totally forgot. So here's the card I eventually made, and the notebook I made to go with it.
The papers I've used are all Basiv Grey

The big "ooops" and the guitars are cut with the Craft Robo. The little pen and the mini bulldog clip were from Wilkinsons

Finally for this time, it's one of the SIL's birthdays today and this is the card I made for her.
Papers are Crate's Blue Hill collectionI don't suppose I'll be blogging again till after Christmas - so a big thank you to all those who've visited during 2008 and especially to those who leave a comment - I love to read them and it means a lot to know that I'm not just talking to myself.
Mind You, I do admit to talking to myself a lot too!

I'd like to wish everyone who reads this a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Craft-filled 2009



Kaz said...

Oh those are gorgeous cards Kathy, and yes we do all need some quickies at times.

I also love the book, especially the pen on a bulldog clip. I may pinch that idea thank you very much!!

Have a fabby Christmas yourself xxx

Janice said...

Happy Christmas to you too Kathy. I love to read your blog and see all your lovely cards and books and other delights. Thank you for sharing. XXX

Hazel said...

What a lot of lovely cards today. Thank you for your Christmas wishes. Sending some back to you - Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year. x

Karen said...

A very very Happy Christmas to you and your hubby Kathy! Thank you for inspiring us all with your fabulous makes XXX

Juliet said...

Have a wonderful Christmas Kathy and a happy and healthy New Year.
Love Juliet xxx

Jackie said...

I love looking at your work, you often inspire me when my head's a shed :))
Happy Christmas to you and Hubs, Kathy. xx

Kath said...

Love looking at your blog,Kathy. You are an incredibly gifted person.

Have a very Happy Christmas,

Šolanje na domu-Waldorf said...

You did some amazing work. Merry Christmas to you all.
x Natasha x

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cards Kathy. :) Hope you had a lovely Christmas.

Vanessa x

Glittertastic said...

I love the aperture Christmas cards - very unusual!

Gez Butterworth said...

Lovely cards Kathy.

I always love visiting your blog. Hope you had a lovely Christmas.

Wishing you a peaceful, healthy 2009.

Happy crafting.

Love Gez. xx

Anonymous said...

This card is beautiful! Happy New Year!