Thank you for your messages about my last post - it was lovely to read them - and to know that I'm not the only "Seasider in Exile" who misses being within shouting distance of the sea!
I'm back to "making stuff" now....
I got all those Christening card orders done and dusted and off to the various customers.
This is the one I haven't shown on here yet

......and the box I made to go with the one I showed the other day.
Here's what popped through my letterbox just as we were leaving for our Easter trip, so I've had to wait till now to play with it!
I'm busy working on DT stuff using the new templates and the lovely Goodies Kit at the moment and as always Leo has put together something gorgeous with endless possibilities for crafty uses. The Template Set is available on the Crafty Templates website along with the Goodies Kit but numbers are limited so if you want some new "pretties" to play with then don't leave it too long to order this one up....
If I manage to get a better photo I'll post the whole thing tomorrow.
For the last few weeks I've been keeping a piece of exciting news (well, I'm excited, anyway!) secret - see, I can keep my mouth shut when I have to! Anyway, I could tell you what it is now, but I'm not going to - I'll save it for a day longer, I think.......
Thanks for looking
Ha ha haaa I know your secret ner ner!!!
That kit looks gorgeous, do I spy some new basic grey in there?? I got the 6x6 paper pad so the ones I have are tinier than here. Can't wait to see the full version of what you've made.
I how can you do that?!
Such a tease!!!
Lovely work Kathy.
The seaside photos are great too. I have a definite yearning for the sea (as you already know :))
Still not spent any money *smug grin* and still using left overs;)
PS..........please can I be one of your blogging buddies?
That stash kit is full of some real lovelies!! I will be back to see the whole of your creation with it!
Anice xx
Beautiful box to go with the card. It's tomorrow NOW - so where is your secret? Lol
Janice X
I love your Christening colection, it's so beautiful.
I had a little blog cady recently on my blog and you're the winner. Please visit my blog for all details.
I know your secret, I know your secret!
Congratulations honey!
Me again. I've just given you an award, details on my blog :)
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