Friday, June 15, 2007

Don't they come around quick?

These Fridays?
It's dare day again already and at 9.55 I was rushing to take a photo of my second card and get it on the blog before 10am. It was a close run thing, but I don't think I was the only last-minute-minnie.....
Of course I didn't need to do two cards, but I wasn't really happy with my first one so wanted to have another bash. Actually this morning's effort was number 3 - I made one yesterday which was going not brilliantly, but on the right side of OK until I added some souffle pen and then some Glossy Accents and then it all went to pot. Darn it.
Anyway, it's Lythan's turn to dare us this week and she was so strict last time that I think she had a bit of a guilty conscience when she issued this one:

"As a reward - and as I was so strict last time I set a dare - here is a nice broad theme to get your creative juices flowing. Embossing. Dry embossing with a light box or with a die cutting machine. Using embossing powders or triple embossing. Using pre-embossed papers. Embossing with found items. Just have fun playing!

And as I can't resist being a little (em)bossy - why not see if you can get more than one emboss technique on your card?"

Not only are we introducing a fabby new guest designer this week but the wonderful Kirsty Wiseman has joined in again with a bonus card for this week's dare - thanks for being such a STAR, Kirsty!
So who is the new guest deigner then? Well, we're delighted to introduce Leo this week, her cards are fantastic, and it's a joy to have her on the team - you can see her first card for the DCM on the blog today.

Card 1
Under my desk, behind the boxes of stuff that don't see the light of day very often there lurks a Shapeboss. It lurks back there because we don't much like each other. Still, Lythan's dare demanded I have another go with the dratted thing and out it came.

I used a peachy pink stardream card for the base and embossed the lower corner area with some wavy lines and a flower. I never think the results are worth the effort and they just don't show up enough. So I attacked it with chalks and chalk inks and probably shouldn't have. But never mind. The flower was mounted on a piece of toning paper with the same wavy lines embossing thing to make a frame. The monogram was hand cut and inked with inks from a couple of Brilliance trio pads, then UTEEd and glittered.

This morning's last minute effort:

Papers are from pda, all ribbon from Ribbon Oasis.
Scribble Flowers are by Banana Frog, stamped with Versamark and embossed with bright pink embossing powder - I knew it would be useful one day!
The tag is a made with a Quickutz Embossing die and works really well on silver mirror card.
I added dots of Tulip paint to the plain white buttons to keep a dotty theme going. fairly quick and simple but I like it better than the first one - which took most of the week, or so it seems.

Don't forget to pop over to the Daring Cardmakers' Blog to see all the other Embossy cards, they're all fantastic so you'll need to visit all the personal blogs too for the lowdown on the hows, whats and wheres.

Thanks for looking


Angelnorth said...

I like 'em both but (don't hate me!) I actually like the first one better. I like the subtlety of the embossing you've got out of the shapeboss thingy and the peachy colour scheme is lovely.

mum-on-the-run said...

I divorced my Shapeboss long, long ago!!

Great cards, I just love the second one but I'm always a sucker for black and pink :)

Hazel said...

I love them both. I had a Shapeboss but in the end just couldn't be bothered with it - we parted company. Well done for using yours so well.

Leigh said...

Absolutely fabbo work Kathy, well done on resurrecting the shapeboss. I might have to blow the dust off mine :D

Lythan said...

Guilty conscience eh? Them's fightin' words. Just wait til its my turn again!. Love the cards. I think you are being too hard on yourself re card 1. And I absolutely love card 2.

Wendy - Anntaurus said...

Catching up on my blog visiting - I adore both cards and I couldn't choose between them! I just love your style Kathy.

Keryn Campbell said...

Gorgeous cards Kathy. The pink and black on the second one just jumps out at you.

My banner is a piece of the blue card that I did for the primary colours little extra. I had to change my template as the one I had wouldn't take the banner nicely.

Unknown said...

Why are you so hard on yourself Kathy? I love your work, it's fab hun!

I've also got a Shapeboss, now, where is it.......?

I'm going to join you in DCM world again this week, am really enjoying the challenges


Sarah said...

Both cards are fab Kathy! Gorgeous colour combinations!

Penny said...

Love both of them but I have to say that the first one is my fav. So elegant and simple! The embossed letter is great too.

stamp and scrape said...

Both cards are super, but I particularly love the embossed UTEE on the H. Really effective.
In answer to your question on my 'wedding' card - yes, I did watercolour the background myself. Thanks for your comments.

Paula J Atkinson said...

Both of them are great!
My light box doesn't see the "light" of day very often!!

Tunners on Tour said...

Thank you for your welcome. I love both of your cards especially the colour of the first one. Then again I do like funky cards so if I was receiving I would prefer the 2nd one.

Gillian said...

Beautiful cards Kathy, I just love the peachy one... so 'LUSH'... and the pink,Black and white one is so funky!!!!
love those scribble flowers..

Andrea C (Frog) said...

Lovely cards has always Kathy, and a new gadget enjoy, my SA kit has not arrived yet it gats later every month.

Andrea xx