Jolly Crafty Christmas Time 2023
One Word Prompt:
This week share any crafty project - Tags, Bags, Cards, Décor, Boxes - whatever you want, Christmas themed or not
just be inspired by the word 'Bauble'

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Jolly Crafty Christmas Time 2023
One Word Prompt:
Thank you so much for coming by
This week's One Word Prompt isJolly Crafty Christmas Time 2023
I'd planned to make some kind of decoration for this challenge rather than a card, but that didn't work out very well so at the last minute I needed to come up with somehting else! I have a lot of Christmas greenery bits and bobs already cut out, so using that along with a candle seemed the solution.
The candle is part of a group of three candles on a very old Memory Box die. I like it but hardly ever use it bcasue its really fiddly - its one of those which is just one die so you have to fit the candle into the outline 'melted wax' parts. It would have been so much better to make it in two pieces, with the outline section cutting separately so it could then be adhered on top of the candle base.
In case you didn't realise it, this is one of my biggest die bugbears!
I really should look for a better candle die set!
Thank you so much for coming by
I chose the blue and gold colours from the picture, plus the big gold 3D star and the greenery as my elements
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Jolly Crafty Christmas Time 2023
It's another One Word Prompt:WISHWhat to make? Anything Goes
Its not just cards and its not just Christmas!
This week share any crafty project - Tags, Bags, Cards, Décor, Boxes
Whatever you want to make, Christmas themed or not just be inspired by the word 'Wish' in some way
Thank you so much for coming by
Jolly Crafty Christmas Time 2023
This time it's another One Word Prompt:WOODWhat to make:Anything Goes
Its not just cards and its not just Christmas!
This week share any crafty project - Tags, Bags, Cards, Décor, Boxes
Whatever you want to make, Christmas themed or not just be inspired by the word 'Wood' in some way
Thank you so much for coming by
Thank you so much for coming by