If you read this blog at all regularly you'll know I have a bit of a problem talking about Christmas too early in the year. I just can't bring myself to make C-cards in the Summer - it's just NOT right! Actually, I don't like starting to make them till after my birthday in the middle of September - to my way of thinking it's still Summer till then and not a time to be thinking of cold manky weather and long dark nights.
It's also a fact that if I make C-cards earlier than the Autumn I rarely like them and those ones are either left unsent in the box or go straight to the bin without passing Go.
So it was with mixed emotions that I opened my new DT kit from Bubbly Funk.
On the one hand the papers and extra goodies are absolutely beautiful - well they are based around one of the MME collections and at the moment MME can do no wrong, can they?
On the other hand the collection in question is called "Colourful Christmas"
aaaaaggggggh, or oooooohhh? I'm soooo confused!
I think I need a bit more time before getting into the C- card making zone, so I've dipped a toe into the water of "thinking about Christmas" and made myself a little memo block to sit on my desk. The plan is that now I have a place to jot down gift ideas for me as well as other people, ideas for crafty things, reminders on what I need to buy, and any other seasonal notes I might want to keep safe. I've got a useless memory and forget most "good ideas" that I might have, so maybe this notepad and it's own matching pencil might help me be super-organised this year. Yep, I know.... that would be in my dreams lol
If you're interested in seeing how I made this little memo block, pop over to Bubbly Scrumptious (the emag for the Bubbly Funk Shop) and you'll find all the project notes for this and many other carfty makes listed there. The new kit will be available soon from Bubbly Funk

Lastly, I thought I'd join in again with "What's on you desk Wednesday" - I know its Thursday but this is exactly how I left my desk yesterday and what I have to face when I pluck up the courage. Julia seems to think that my desk is the wobbly white background on the photos in the post below hahaha, no, that's the little photo "lab" I do most of my pics in.
No, I have this truly spectacular mess on my craft desk..........
So, do you dare to share? Your own desk, that is?
Thanks for visiting today, I hope the sun is shining where you are too
Those papers are gorgeous aren't they? I snapped up a set as soon as I could as I didn't want to be disappointed if they sold out quick. I agree about MME too.
Love the notebook and i love the fact that your desk is untidier than mine today!!! Ha ha ha xx
So glad I found your blog, love your style and love this memo block will definitely be making one on my return from holiday, like you I can't seriously think about C cards 'til at least October! :)xx
hahahahaha about the C word kathy!!! It will be interesting to see what you make with this kit. This is a lovely little memo pad X
I cant think about xmas cards until about 3 weeks before the event lol
What a fab looking kit...love the little memo pad....they would make great little stocking fillers!
Looks like a great kit, I'll be off to look at the BS blog shortly for more piccies of your lovely projects.
I guess anyone who wants to sell for Christmas has to start early with the making but I have been told off for blogging about it this week. I do know where you are coming from at finding it difficult to get in the mind set though. A x
LOVE seeing your desk; a bit like mine on a mojo-filled day..(So not this week then!!) Notebook is super cute, am off to BF to have a butchers. Thanks for the WOYWW - I thought the arty white surface may have been draped over the arty work surface to hide it, see!!
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