So Procrastination no1: A Bit of Waffle
Saturday was quite busy what with one thing and another, but Sunday was an empty day - and it was absolutely bucketing down so no guilty feelings of "I should be doing something in the garden" to prevent a nice long-lie-in! Lovely - the perfect Sunday morning!
Once I'd finally dragged myself out of bed I thought I'd do some crafting; I've a few birthday cards to make a start on and a commissioned wedding anniversary card. I'm ahead on DT projects for Bubbly Funk and the new stuff for other DTs hasn't arrived yet so I have some free crafting time at my disposal.
So what did I make?
Nothing. Zilch. Nowt!
Procrastination no2: Sorting is always Good for it
I looked at the stack of pizza boxes fo new paper stacked by the desk - and the stuff just lurking in bags propped up by the shelves and thought it might be a good thing to have a tidy up and a clear out.
When I say "clear-out" I really mean "move some of it to a place where I can avoid seeing it", as in avoid a proper clear out - which is really another bit of Procrastination
I re-labelled the boxes that live on my shelves but as I'm always moving the contents around depending on which company is producing more stuff that I like and needs more space in the boxes, I decided that little acetate pockets would be a good idea.
The pockets are fixed to the boxes with clear parcel tape and I made some tags with the names of the companies on them just to slip inside the pockets.
I know my storage system isn't purpose made and flash like some peoples' is, but it suits me - at least until I find something better!
Procrastination no3: One Thing Leads to Another...
I know the tags look a bit of a mess - I think I need to do them on the pc instead of putting up with my rubbishy scrawl - now that the boxes look tidy, I'm finding the tags quite offensively tatty!
So how fab - another little bit of procrastination dreamed up with very little effort. Will I resist? I'm trying to, honest! You'll know - because I'll have something new to blog tomorrow if I do!
Something I've not got round to blogging is this little gift card wallet that I made to present Aimee's main present for her 18th in. We decided that as she's the first of our batch 0f 8 Nieces/Nephews to hit 18 it would be a good idea to think of something we could roll out for each of them as they reach the milestone birthday. So we're going to give them Premium Bonds.
I made this wallet roughly following a You Tube tutorial suggested by Joanne when we did a "Relaxed Mini Cyber-Crop" on a forum the other week.
I must admit I didn't follow the instructions properly and went off on a bit of a tangent but there's nothing new there!
The front of the wallet looks like this
Making the little gift card gave me the perfect excuse to use my new laminator for the first time!
I downloaded the logo of the NS&I, printed it out, stuck it on a piece of the paper, printed out our message for the other side then put the whole thing through the laminator.
I think everyone will be getting something like this come the time of the "C-Word" - mainly because its such fun doing the laminating bit!
Well, this particular bit of procrastination must end, I suppose, so I'll Love You and Leave You till the next time,
Thanks for calling by....
I have to say Kathy that you really are the best procrastinator I know!!
Unfortunately, you have given me an idea for storage so I will be a mini-you at some point.
Loving the gift wallet idea, especially the flower inside.
Ya monkey!!! Get some of that gorgeous crafting done that you always produce!
Oh Kathy, I'm with you on the procrastination front - that's just how I feel - I need to make a list and make sure some of the jobs that need doing get done instead of faffing around. I love the gift card wallet - as you say, the papers are lovely. Right, now stop procrastinating and get on with some crafting x
Sounds like the sort of day I could do with in my craft room. Although I should imagine that my stash is a drop in the ocean compared to yours.
Yours looks very organized.
I don't think you should feel guilty, it was raining after all !
Love Karen xxx
Oh Kathy, I'm just the same lovely. Always procrastinating. Anyway, I love your idea for the paper/cardstock storage, I think it's fab. XX
It is so pretty...
Beautiful Kathy!
Anna xx
This little gift card holder is just fab Kathy, love the flower on the front. I am with you all the way on procrastination.
I am very envious of your paper supply. I think it would be very easy to buy beautiful papers and spend the whole time organising them and never cutting them!!
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