Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bloom & Grow Maze Book

I wanted to make something extra to go with what we'd already got for niece Izzy's birthday present - my first thought was to make a notebook, but then the naughty little fairy who lives in my head and likes to see me panicking about getting things finished in time said
"ooooh, it's a long time since you made a maze book. Why don't you make a maze book? You've got a whole day and a bit of one - that's plenty of time even for you.....Go on, make a maze book - look at these lovely papers you've already got sitting on your desk. Wouldn't they make a fab maze book?....Go on, you know you want to...."

The bad fairy won and I started to make a maze book - and finished it only because I won some extra time by taking Izzy's card and prezzie over the day after her birthday - she was way too busy on the actual day to spend time with her doting Auntie!

I still had the whole pack of fab Bloom & Grow papers (My Mind's Eye) out after making my DCM card - I love these papers and they were just perfect for this project

Here's the front cover (click for a closer look)

This is a quick look at the inside

These are the tags tht hide in the secret pockets

Tomorrow I'll add photos of the inner pages.

Hope you like it


Gez Butterworth said...

It looks stunning Kathy. :)

What a superb job you've done. See the naughty fairy knows best you know!!! ;O)

Karen said...

hee hee that naughty fairy knows best hon!! But I would have taken a week of faffing to get all that donw. Its really gorgeous X

Karva said...

WOW Kathy it's fab :)
Can I be youe niece to? LOL

CLARE said...

OO very nice Kathy what a lovely set of papers. Really like the front cover with all the layers

Creative Treasures said...

Thats gorgeous Kathy, i just love those papers :)


Janice said...

Lovely to see a bit more of your maze book Kathy - it's great!

Angelnorth said...

Fabulous Kathy, I bet Izzy loves the idea of having all those secret pockets and tags!

Kristen H said...

This is awesome! What a fun thing to play with. The colors are wonderful together. I love all the secret compartments too.

Anonymous said...

Me encantan tus trabajos, son super creativos y paso buenos ratos viéndolos, enhorabuena.