"ooooh, it's a long time since you made a maze book. Why don't you make a maze book? You've got a whole day and a bit of one - that's plenty of time even for you.....Go on, make a maze book - look at these lovely papers you've already got sitting on your desk. Wouldn't they make a fab maze book?....Go on, you know you want to...."
The bad fairy won and I started to make a maze book - and finished it only because I won some extra time by taking Izzy's card and prezzie over the day after her birthday - she was way too busy on the actual day to spend time with her doting Auntie!
I still had the whole pack of fab Bloom & Grow papers (My Mind's Eye) out after making my DCM card - I love these papers and they were just perfect for this project
Here's the front cover (click for a closer look)
This is a quick look at the inside
Hope you like it
It looks stunning Kathy. :)
What a superb job you've done. See the naughty fairy knows best you know!!! ;O)
hee hee that naughty fairy knows best hon!! But I would have taken a week of faffing to get all that donw. Its really gorgeous X
WOW Kathy it's fab :)
Can I be youe niece to? LOL
OO very nice Kathy what a lovely set of papers. Really like the front cover with all the layers
Thats gorgeous Kathy, i just love those papers :)
Lovely to see a bit more of your maze book Kathy - it's great!
Fabulous Kathy, I bet Izzy loves the idea of having all those secret pockets and tags!
This is awesome! What a fun thing to play with. The colors are wonderful together. I love all the secret compartments too.
Me encantan tus trabajos, son super creativos y paso buenos ratos viéndolos, enhorabuena.
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