A few years back I bought Hubby 5 years "rent a row of vines" from 3D Wines for his birthday. You can buy one year, or get 5 for the price of 4 so it was rude not to go for the 5 really, wasn't it? Anyway you choose the sort of wine, and if you take out the 5 year option you can change "your" vineyard every year if you want to. I chose champagne for the first year, then he was able to choose for the others - so we had a couple of years of some good Burgundy then went back to the chanpagne for this final year.
It's been a fun thing to do. The first year we went to visit the champagne vineyard and picked up the champagne while we were there. Other years we had our order shipped to collection points not far from Calais and just picked it up from there. You can also have it shipped to the UK - but where's the fun (or the excuse for a few days away) in that?
So that was the main reason for our quickie trip. Obviously it's winter, so there's no way I was going on a ferry - just as well considering the windy weather we've been having - the Channel Tunnel is a much less stressful option, so come 7am Saturday morning we were on our way. The roads behaved nicely and we were put on an earlier train and in France well before lunchtime.
We'd already decided to stay in Boulogne this time and not to drive too far - it's always tempting to go somewhere new but then you end up spending most of the time in the car, so this time we went for the more relaxing option. We like Boulogne, it's got a great mix of old and new, and a great big beach where you can often watch kite surfers etc getting energetic (and wet).
The weather was pretty good. Lots of blue skies but boy, was it freezing cold and blowing a hooly most of the weekend! On Saturday afternoon we drove just a bit further along the coast to Hardelot, our new fave place to visit. We've only been there in the winter and it's fab; interesting buildings, huge beach, cute little beach huts and a nice long prom to get blown along.... but I bet it's a different, busier and less appealing place in the summer.
Anyway, I thought I'd put a few photos from the trip on here, you can click for a bigger version if you want a closer look.
Cap Blanc Nez

Looking back over to England

As you can see, the strong (thanks Lythan for pointing out my typo ;-) ) winds made the weather a bit changeable! Hubby gave the kite an airing - but at that point it was sooooo cold and windy that I stayed in the car, only nipping out to take a photo as quickly as possible! OK so I'm a wuss.

Hubby had a few "homesickness pangs" (for the IOM TT Races) when we went into Boulogne on Sunday morning to find several hundred motorbikes parading through the streets - he seems to find the noise and stink exhillerating.......... Not sure what it was all about, but there were certainly a lot of them.
Should keep us going for a while.....
Back later with some new crafty stuff
Thanks for looking
fantastic photos. I'm glad the "string winds" didn't knock you over
String winds would be ideal for kites, surely? ;o)
Nice little haul you have there - hope you enjoy it! If the Burgundy's from last year/the year before then giving it a while sounds like a good idea to me!
Fabulous photos Kathy!
My word! You DO like your wine, don't you?!!!
Will would kill for your 'red' collection! LOL
Great photos Kathy, lovin' your wine stash too....LOL!
Well here I am having another go - don't know where my other comment went - blown away with one of those kites I guess. If I can remember correctly, I was saying how much I loved that photo of the beach hut, it is really evocative of the seaside, especially in winter (which I think is the best time for the seaside, less people). We have quite a lot of wine too, maybe not quite as much as you do and unfortunately, don't get to go to France to collect it. Anyway Salut, cheers and down the hatch.
Fab photos Kathy, and an amazing collection of wine! Glad you had a great trip....xx
heeeeeheeeeee....I'm giggling at Lythans comment :D
What amazing photo's yet again Kathy, feels like just looking through a window, they are so beautiful! glad you had a lovely little trip...
great photos Kathy - just wondered when the party was - and more importantly, am I invited!! ;)
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