Having said that - if you check out the card I'm showing today you'll notice that it's one of those unfinished ones from my last message - so it was worth keeping it after all - and worth tidying my desk enough to discover them - maybe I'm on a roll and will finish off some of the others too. Or maybe not.
Over on Bubbly Funk we've started sharing photos of the spaces where we craft. I'll admit it - most seem to be a lot tidier than mine. However, in my defence it may look a mess but generally I know where everything is - and no, I don't mean that I know where it is because it's on the floor.......
I just work best in a mess - I always have done. If my mum was here she'd agree with me and I'm sure that all my old teachers would agree too.
Here are a few of my photos. The first is a bit of my desk as it is this afternoon after spending a couple of hours cuttin' & stickin', the 2nd shows the shelves above my desk and the 3rd my converted Pizza Box paper storage.
I've made this card today. I've a feeling there will be some "tweaking" to be done before it goes in the post as I'm not too happy with a couple of things.
Papers are WRMK Vintage Brass
Sneaky peeks from the front cover:
All for now, thanks for looking - and thanks too for all your lovely comments - it's great to know that people actually read my waffle
i am liking that booky wook. Lovely colours.
Kathy, I enjoy reading your blog and taking inspiration from it. You are a very talented lady!
I'm also sooo bloody jealous of all your stash! I thought I had a lot but now I don't! ;-)
The colours of your maze book are so bright and cheery too.
So nice to see what you're up to these days! Lots of beautiful cards :)
I've not popperd by for a while, thought I'd say hello. you've been creating some lovely things! Love your craft room pics! Glad to know I'm not the only one who's a messy worker!
I'm leaving a second comment on this blog post to say a HUGE thank you as the beautiful card and maze book featured were for MEEEEE!!!!!
They are even more gorgeous in real life and they're mine, all mine! I'm not sharing them with any of you! MWAHAHAHA!
Thanks so much Kathy
Wow Kathy! you're work is just inspirational! I love your maze book and that birthday card is just perfect!
P.S I've tagged you - sorry. xx
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