One of the fun things about this house is that we have blackberry bushes in the garden, so every couple of days I've been out there picking the next batch of ripe berries. So far I've got 2 bagfuls in the freezer and on Sunday we took a third bagful over to my bro and SIL. Picking them reminds me of going out blackberrying when we were kids, then the house smelling of jam-making as mum and Ann, who lived next door made loads of jars of jam to sell at the Churxh Bazaar.
I heard from Leo yesterday that my very first Crafty Templates design team pack is all ready for me, so I'm doing that excited/nervous shuffle thing again. I'm sure my first month's stint will be the hardest as I don't really know what to expect. I wonder if it'll arrive tomorrow?
My birthday is coming up soon, and as we'd fully expected to be in the throes of the building work by now we hadn't planned anything. Well since the planning permission was delayed, and in consequence we lost our "slot" in the builder's schedule, we've booked a couple of nights B&B in what looks to be a seriously cute little cottage in the middle of nowhere - but actually not far from Southwold - which I love - mainly because of the very long prom and it's long row of the prettiest beach huts I know of! Please let the skies be blue so we can get some good photos!

DCM day tomorrow, finally got my card made today, but I'm having trouble getting the ........... colour to show correctly in the photo. Hopefully Hubby can sort it out for me or it's going to look ......... instead of ..........
You should get your kit by the weekend Kathy!
It's all perttty and cute not scary one bit :-D
Love the peeks! Southwold is a lovely place - haven't been there for quite a while, but have lovely memories
That's funny I've just uploaded some beach hut dominoes to my blog lol
Hope the work gets underway & done before wet winter days... oh I forgot we have those all the time!!
Don't let it spoil your birthday.
Im sure you'll be fine once the kits arrive & SNAP, this light is dreadful & colours are not showing true, I had a pig of a job!!!
Hi Kathy,
The detail on the inside of my card is a rub on. Its from the MM doodles pack. :)
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