Time for that little bit of fun and nosiness that is What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday, brainchild of Julia and her Stamping Ground BLOG - click the link to find out all about how it works and join in the Great Big Workdesk Hop!
My desk is a bit of a dumping ground atm. I didn't do any crafting yesterday but over the few days before that I was busy with making stuff for a mini cyber crop on Bubbly Funk's forum. A lot of the regular participants were away on a crafting retreat so those who were left got together and found lots of interesting links and "classes" to share. On my desk you can see some of the things I made, plus of course the still unfinished concertina minibook which I really must make an effort and do some covers for. You can check out the individual "makes" on the last few posts I've made. The post below this one also has the tutorial for the cheque/gift card wallet I promised I'd share, so please have a look at that too.
Anyway, here's my Wednesday Mess for this week - I'll keep the pics small on here, but click on them for a closer look at the disarray!
Just for a laugh, I thought I'd also show you the desk on the other side of our study - this is my hubby's desk - as you can see, we don't share the same mind-set when it comes to desks - why on earth would you have a great big desk nearly the size of a single bed and not actually use the surface for your stuff? Just look at the multi-coloured mini post it note pads lined up by the in-tray hehehe.
My computer desk is to the left of his desk. My Craft Robo sits on the corner of my pc desk and when I need to use it I usually have to shift a pile of papers from in front of it - so I tend to colonise the corner of his desk too
My computer desk is to the left of his desk. My Craft Robo sits on the corner of my pc desk and when I need to use it I usually have to shift a pile of papers from in front of it - so I tend to colonise the corner of his desk too
Our study is a lovely light room, as well as the window you can see on the photo there's a bigger window to the right of my craft desk - it's never in the photos I do of my desk because I'd be taking them right into the light and my desk wouldn't show up.
Anyway, enough of the waffle. Today I'm going to clear all those finished and half finished projects off the desk and get some cutting and sticking done.
Thanks for visiting, I hope you come by again soon.

I love your desk! My desk is actually in our bedroom and drives my hubby up the wall!
mmm.....your hubby's desk is just crying out for some stashy mess hahaha!!! As for yours...its a wonderful creative mess hon XXX
You are funny, showing your husband's desk! Isn't he neat! Do you drive him crazy with all your stuff? When i married my husband he was neat too- but he got infected by me! Patsy from
another week of looking good! so many pretty things being created there!
hope you have a wonderful week, hugs mandyxx
Hmmm, is this evidence of opposites attracting I wonder?!
Kathy - I have to inform you that you don't have nearly enough brads - or flowers... i think you need to have a spending spree (NOT!!!)
you've got every colour of the rainbow - makes my collection look really poor ;o(
tee hee
Paula x x x
Love your desk and I would be spreading out to my hubby's side too if it was that clear. It is crying out for your crafting stash LOL. Thanks for the snoop. Tracy Evans x
lol - thats why "Men are from Mars women are from Venus"!!
There's something not quite right about a hubby with a desk that tidy. I think your space looks very creative.
** Kate **
Hiya Kathy
I am more like you than your hubby lol, love all those little pots on the shelves
Mmmm ... looking at hubby's desk somedays must be like torture ... I mean when you run out of space and wanna run up a quick card ... I could see me getting into a whole lot of trouble if he was my hubby :0)
I do love your space ... always full of lovely things ... I may pop in one day and ... erm ... use hubbies desk while we play :0)
I know which desk I prefer Kathy. :) Lovely to see your fabby creations in the making. I had to enlarge to look for your spice rack! I didn't know you had one! Great minds... perhaps I should wear my specs when I blog hop! hehe..xx
Your desk has more character than your hubby's. You are just much more creative. Great space :)
Love your desk - aren't you tempted to mess up your OHs desk! Did he line up the pads with a ruler LOL! Oh well wouldn't be good for us all to be the same.
Love the comparison of desks - opposites attract, right?
I don't have time to play WOYWW this weekso I'm just visting a random selection but there are a story and some digi LOs on my blog
Oh dear I think your hubby needs help to make his desk more homely lol!
oh lots of goodies to look at, lovely creations on your desk, very tidy computer desk, room for some papers or something on it! lol, sue,x
Great desk. Lots to see and be inspired by. And you have so much room to craft in. I'm not being sarcastic; you can see your cutting mat, so you have room to work! Thanks for sharing.
Love how you have everything at your fingertips!
Cor - do you have a line on the carpet over which he will not step!! Amazing contrast Kathy, love the peep into your daily life!
thats a proper workspace!
I think your other half has room to spare on his desk. I'm sure he wouldnt mind sharing it lol
A x
Oh dear Kathy, you're hubby gets a D- must try harder. Glad to see you are keeping the study in a colourful mess xx
Hi Kathy, I love it when my craft area is tidy but saying that I find I am much more creative when it's messy. Your hubby's desk must therefore be tidy because he is not as creative as you ;-)
Lisa x
I love the way you store all your flowers in those clear containers and I love all the little pots of bling too! Have a great week! Tracey x
Ooh Kathy Ive thoroughly enjoyed my flit through your desk! Its been like being a kid in a toy store!!
FAB working space!
Keryn (",)
ooh love your array of goodies!
oooh, so much yumminess to see, all your on going projects look fabulous! I don't know how you live with your hubby, must drive you mad hehe! hugs Debx
His and Her's - interesting post. Like yours best! ikki
WOW! Love your desk. Kathleen x
soo so so tidy!, love the flowers and all those yummy boxes filled with loads of craftyness. Sorry I'm late, I have to 'work' Wednesdays!
Your desk is amazing all those fab crafting goodies. I blown away at how tidy your hubby's desk is ~ Mel
I love your space, your hubby's ...not so much, you need to teach him how to use his desk properly lol
I love all the signs of activity on your desk - hope you've managed to finish some of the projects x
love your study
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