Back in February MIL gave Hubby a glider lesson voucher for his birthday. He put it aside until the weather was more settled then a couple of weeks back booked up to fly yesterday. You know how these things usually are - you book a date, then wake up to find it's raining - you ring up and it's confirmed that the weather is too bad to fly (remember the helicopter charter I organised for his actual birthday?).
Well, wasn't it just typical that yesterday was a scorching hot day and if anything a bit too hot and settled for gliding? Never mind, off we set for the Cambridge Gliding club out on an airfield in the middle of the countryside near Little Gransden. We thought it would probably take an hour or so and didn't really expect to be sitting on the edge of an airfield (next to a field full of rapeseed - nice for my hayfever...not!) for pretty much the rest of the day, with only the wings of gliders and an old minibus to offer shade from what turned out to be a blistering hot day.
I'm just a little bit red and sore today.....why didn't I think to grab some sun lotion on the way out of the house?
Anyway, I thought I'd pop a few photos onhere - you can click for a bigger version.
Getting ready to go
The winch taking up the slack
Up in the air (check out that sky you people who think it's always raining in the UK!)
Tow rope about to be released
From the glider
Looking down on the airfield - I've marked where I was huddling for shade!
Coming in for his first landing
Luckily for us there were a few more thermals to be found in the afternoon than they'd had in the morning so his flights were of pretty good length and he enjoyed the day. Not sure he'll be wanting to take it up though - he has a problem with "well, you don't really go anywhere, do you?". hehehe
Hope you enjoyed the weather this weekend and that you were more organised and therefore less sunburnt than I was!
Back next time with some crafting - I've got some cards made using some of the DT set of Crafty Templates to share.
Thanks for dropping by today

Fab photos Kathy, you can really see all that lovely yellow rape plants! xx
He's got more guts than me lol - I've been told you have quite a 'bumpy' ride in a glider. You couldn't have picked a better day for getting great photographs - pity you had to 'burn' though!!
Love Lynda xxx
I went gliding in my teens once with the youth group - its' awesome. great photos
Great pics - totally get why you didn't take sunscreen - you thought you'd be couplle of hours, sitting in the cute, vintagey volunteer manned cafe bar, gazing at your pilot.....ah well, still looks a great day.
WOW doesn't the countryside look stunning??? But you wouldn't catch me up in one of those XXX
great photos kathy....don't know if I would feel safe riding around on the thermals...happier with a couple of jet engines to help things along...big hugs kath xxx
those are fab pictures kathy :)
Fab photos Kathy.
I went in a glider years ago, when I was in College so a very long time ago, and loved it.
Hope your sunburn and runny nose/itchy eyes have settled! Glad hubby had fun, maybe it's a good thing he won't want to take it up - not a cheap hobby (think of the stash you could buy!).
wow this looks like great fun
Fab photos from the glider though. I don't think I've seen a pic of your hubby before, very dashing ;)
Wow, what amazing photos Kathy! Hope the sunburn isn't too sore!!
Great views from up there Kathy - see what you mean about the lack of shade - poor you.
Hope you are feeling a little less burnt :D The photos are amazing :)
jo x
Wow Kathy thanks for sharing this fab experience with us... please can you book a balloon flight so we can see what that is like too???
Paula x x x
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