It's that day again, when we all hop over to Julia's Stamping Ground to meet up and share our crafty workspaces. Doesn't matter what craft you're involved with and it doesn't matter how big or small your space is, we're just a nosy bunch who like to peer inside other peoples' crafty nooks to see what you're all up to. If you've not joined in yet, please don't be scared, just take that photo and share in the world wide crafty space hop!
But first a little moan.....
Yesterday someone left a comment on my blog and as I have comment moderation switched on I have to validate them. It came from someone called "Michelle" and said "I've been into cardmaking lately. Thanks for the ideas!" there was a hyperlink added to the word cardmaking so I checked it out and found it took me to a well-known UK supplier of card and paper - now, I think that's a bit cheeky - trying to get a bit of free advertising like that so I'm mentioning this today so that you can be aware and watch out. You almost expect it of the scammers and porn purveyors but respectable shops?
It's ok I've climbed down from my soapbox now hehehe
After shocking everyone with my tidy desk at the beginning of last week's post, normal service has been resumed and as I'm in the middle of a mini book project I've got pretty much everything I might want to use gathered around, the drawers are open and the tools are scattered about.
Here's a close up of my WIP
Here's the book standing up so you can see the "concertina" effect of the pages - it's the folds that are causing the problem really and if I made another I'd probably sort out the "pages" before assembling it. You live and learn, eh? I really fancied the idea of having "dangly" things in the aperture, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work when the book is folded and closed up - and obviously I'm too impatient to think it through before getting stuck into the project!
A couple of weeks back I showed a little cheque/gift card holder - I promised instructions on how to make it and I've not forgotten. I've just finished the last one of these that I need and remembered to take photos as I was doing it so all I have to do is write the project up watch this space, as they say.
Right, I'm off now to post my link on the WOYWW thread, and have a look at those early birds who've already added theirs. Mustn't get carried away with blog-hopping though as I've got crafting to do.
Thank you so much for visiting, please leave a comment before you go - it's such fun to read them and see where everyone comes from each week.
Happy crafting

Hi Kathy
very creative looking desk this week, love what you are working on very creative.
Christine x
Hi Kathy lovely to call & see what you're up to! Your little book is looking FAB. I sincerely hope you get an apology from shop. It's not fair or a nice thing to do. Hugs, Gez.xx
loved popping over for a peek of your gorgeous creations and yes I know what you mean about those cheeky blighters....delete them pdq.....hugs kath xxx
Hiya Kathy
your book is absolutely gorgeous such a fab idea. love your workspace :O)
I love popping in past to have a look through your blog, only time never allows me to comment all the time...I need to get crafting instead of blog hopping your project, your work desk tooks pretty tidy compared to mine...lokk forward to your tutorial too...happy crafting...Jackie xx
Great WOYWW Kathy - and OK...I take it back, you don't need to stamp the words!!! That book is looking fab.
Read your words about the hperlink comment with interest..bloody cheek actually,and a bit desperate but you're too nice to say that!
Oooh, you're making good progress with the foldy thingy, well done!
ooo I love it when your desk is untidy Kathy hahaha!!! Your book is looking gorgeous and such fun to do but I spy a pretty butterfly hanging down!!! XXX
rofl this word ver HAS to be for you.....dithers
Your book looks great, I love the colours
What a wonderful minibook i love the concertina effect , i love the colours , have a good week
Bloomin' cheek!
The book is wonderful, love that little bird.
Anne x
OMG Kathy - thats a fantastic concertina book... you are sooo clever...
Paula x x x
p.s. tried my first shabby flower yesterday - i've blogged it today - but I think I made it too big... if at first you don't succeed....
Your desk is always so busy with lots to see and I love the pink and brown colour scheme of what you're working on! Oh boy do I agree with your quick rant - it's just CHEEKY isn't it?
Book looks fab. Hugs Pam x
thats a great desk, bright and busy. Lovely mini book, I do that too, start glueing before thinking things thru lol
Oh wow. What a gorgeous little book. What talent.
A x
A clever concertina book - looks very tricky - Its knowing what to do and when thats so important - and you always make it look easy!!
The folding thingy with birdies looks great. It's amazing what people will do to gain extra site traffic, presumably it gets them higher up the listings.
** Kate **
What a gorgeous little book. Kathleenx x
i love to see peoples wip xx
I know how you feel about linking to sites, I appreciate they want our business but there is a right way of doing putting links on their own blogs hee hee x
Love your desk ! I'sm so jealous ! Thanks for sharing
I love love love your mini book, its looking very nice, very pretty papers too! I had the same comment as you last week and was a bit suprised to be honest I usually get comments about viagra! lol! Have a great week! Tracey x
Fantastic book, just love it. I never try stuff like that. (don;t know why, maybe it's working on the floor does it)
Love your mini book, you've put so much work into it, it's gorgeous.
Nicki, xx
WOW i love your desk and the wonderful make you have just finished.
Oh I wanna come and rummage through all the shelves. Calm before storm was right with mine, looks like a bomb has hit it now!!! Hazelxox
Your concertina book has turned out really well.
What a cheek!! I would be annoyed too hun... BTW, looooove your card, tis FAB! x
Wow...... lovely book and such pretty colours. I love your desk everything looks so fab!!
wow, that book is just stunning.
What a lovely book, it's great !
Oh wow that book is fantastic - and great busy desk - Is that chinese takeaway containers I see on the shelf? great excuse to have a takeaway if you need more boxes
I love your workspace! That concertina card is amazing too.
Thanks for sharing.
Have a wonderful week.
Jen x
Great concertina card and your work space is very well organized. ikkim
Your desk is looking very creative, Kathy and your book is gorgeous :-)
Oh that is fabulous work. Shame about the dangly bits, but then, dangly bits are always a bit of a problem I've found - best to leave them with the men I think ;)
Perhaps you could give us the instructions for this for the non-retreaters this coming weekend? Just having a catch up with everything I've missed over the last few days - lovely, as ever. That emerald card for DCM is so deliciously elegant x
It looks like you have lots of fun stuff going on here Kathy!
I love your desk can I come and play ?!!
Wow what a fantastic Pink creation I adore this
Hugs Susie xx
Loved the snoop and your WIP is beautiful Kathy. TFS. ~Glen~
Thank you for sharing your WIP. What a great piece. And the desk is filled with things to enjoy a peek of!
Sooo much stuff going on here Kathy, lovely crafting space you have and a fabulous card!!
I quite liked you on your soap box ... you looked kind of ... erm ... taller :0) Sorry I am soooooo late with my comment ... Mr Blogger just would n't let me play yesterday ... now please come buy stuff from my shop .... DOH! I don't actually have one *LOL*
Glad to see your desk is looking as productive as always Kathy and the mini book looks stunning.
I’m loving the colours.
I had the same comment as you so I’m wondering if she’s just gone down the DT list on the DCM’s blog. Did any of the other say they had it sent to them too?
B****y cheek if you ask me.
Your book is gorgeous. I've been meaning to do something like that for ages and I think you may just have inspired me to give it a go! Thank you.
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