Good morning
Hope all is well in your corner of the world.
I wonder if I could ask a favour .... as you have a blog and I don't!
Two chaps I know are setting off this weekend on an end-to-end charity cycle ride and I wondered if you could put a link to their Blog on yours?
Here is theirs:
I know one Dom quite well (the one on the right of the photo) - he's the Art Manager at Kids Company and a really lovely bloke. The other one is his old school friend who I just met very briefly when I was over at the beginning of July. As he said he's "just along for the ride!"
They will both have handmade Kids Company pennants on the backs of their bikes but I don't know what else they are doing publicity-wise.
If you know anyone else with a Blog who may be willing to help, please do forward this message to them as well. Every little helps .......
Love, hugs and sunny sewing
Nicki xxxxx
Nicki is an Englishwoman living in Switzerland who is a firm supporter of UK organization Kids Co. She uses her fabulous sewing talents to make the most wonderful, usually personalised cushions and quilts for the sick and vulnerable children that Kids Co seek to help.
You can see some of the beautiful things Nicki has made for these children HERE - please do visit!
Last week I discovered something which made the world seem a very small place. A year or two ago Nicki brought to my attention the remarkable story of THIS little girl and showed us the gorgeous cushion she'd made for her, along with photos of Gabrysia with it. During our recent trip to Northumberland my aunt started talking about an amazing little girl in the family of some family friends and it all sounded very familiar! As a small girl still living up there, I played with one of Gabrysia's Aunties - my immediate family moved south, we grew up, all the younger generation moved on and away. You know how it is, I'm sure - you just hear snippets about what's going on with all those families you grew up with but that's all the contact you have with your "past life". But sometimes connections are made when you least expect them and between people and events that you'd never thought would have any connection with each other.
Kids Company is a fantastic organisation and if you could lend your support by publicising by adding something (and the link) on your your blog about this bike ride, that would be fab.
Thanks for listening

What happened to the little girl? Is she alright now? Did she get a transplant.
Nicki does an incredible job for the Kid's co. I hope they make a lot of money on their bike ride. I don't have a blog so can't publicise it.
What a small world it is! x
You can read more about Gabrysia here:
It is indeed a small world - amazing what interconnections exist. Thanks for highlighting Kids Co, Nicki and the the young men's bike ride (I've already got a link on my blog) x
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