No, not another card for the current Daring Cardmakers challenge, this is an update on how our study renovations are going.
We're nearly there now - well, we're nearer to the time when we can start moving our stuff back in, anyway! Click HERE and HERE for other chapters in the saga!
Last Monday the guy came to alter and re-fit the carpet, then on Saturday morning a big yellow van arrived at the house! Thank goodness we went for the delivery option is all I can say as it meant the delivery people carried all this lot upstairs and into the study, not me!
8.30 Saturday morning
Lunchtime, Saturday (the desk and shelves are in the wrong corner though)
Saturday evening - wow, didn't we do well?
Sunday lunchtime
Sunday evening
There's still a bit left to do. The unit on the last photo needs attaching to the wall, the blinds need to be fitted and we need to move hubby's next back into the room. We're not actually fixing the cupboard/shelf/drawer inserts into the units until I've had time to "live" with them and see where I really want them put, but as you can see it's all coming together at last. I need to buy some nice baskets etc to put in the cubes too and decide which crafty things will be going where.
Hope you had fun sneaking a peek around the new-look room ;-)
Thanks for visiting