Still playing the "catch-up" game after a week away!
Thursday is my day to do something for the Bubbly Funk shop blog aka Bubbly Scrumptious - I didn't have time to do another page for my Word Book, so today I've a project for a little gift box and a matching gift card. really quick and easy to make and once you've made one you'll see that it's pretty easy to alter the dimensions to make a box to suit what you wnat to put in it.
I thought I'd also show the album I made to give to Hubby on his birthday. I made it in such a rush! I started it the Thursday afternoon - we were leaving after lunch on Friday and as he works from home on Fridays anyway, I knew I had to get it finished before he arrived home from work - I think I made it with about 10 minutes to spare!
It's a good job he doesn't much like "fussy stuff" hehe - much quicker to make something with very little embellishment ;-)
My idea was that the album would just look like a little gift in it's own right; as his birthday was the Saturday, we'd already be there when he opened it, so it looked innocuous - just somewhere to put his favourite photos from our holiday.
But it would also hide my secret - it would gradually disclose what his present really was!
So next I made a page with a fold-out flap, printed out a few photos from the web of things we might see on our sightseeing travels in the area and adhered them to the page.
Still pretty innocuous-looking....
Turn that page thought and the flapped section appears
Inside the pocket was a "voucher" the lovely Ellen from the helicopter company had printed out and sent to me. He was very quiet when he opened it and I think the realisation dawned rather slowly!
My idea was that he fill the album himself but I've got a sneaking suspicion that he'll choose and print the photos and muggins here will be doing the rest!
Right, I've got my DCM card to do for tomorrow now, so I'll love you and leave you for now.

Really love that pretty gift box.
A x
nice little box and a great little album....i bet his face was a picture :)
Its a shame you didn't get a pic of hubby's face when he realised what he had for his birthday!!!
Gorgeous box my lovely XXX
What a fab little pressie Kathy.
Judging by the photos you showed us earlier in the week he’ll have some lovely ones to go in there, so I bet he was thrilled to bits.
you have been a busy little bee ! look at all those fab makes !
bet hubby adored them !
The "You've been framed" stylee photos as he flicked through his "rather plain" album would have been priceless, Kathy! It looks fab and what a great way to reveal his realy gift!
What a lovely idea Kathy. Your little book kept it's secret well.
Fabulous idea Kathy, bet hubby went into shock as the realisations of his present hit home lol! Can you put pics on here of the day so we can have a looksee?
Mel X
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