If you popped by last Thursday you may recall the Bella Bella Box (April kit)I'd been making, and that I said that this week I'd share the contents. Well, I've not actually made them yet (ooops!) - because I got diverted again by the March kit instead.
I realised that Easter is coming and that some of the "Small Wonders" in the kit would be perfect to use for Easter cards.
This is my Vintage Chick (vintage chic - get it? hehe) card
I'm sorry, I just couldn't resist the play on words, I do love a pun even really bad ones like these make me chortle!
I've a feeling I'll be dipping into the March box of tricks quite often in the future as there are lots of those little things that will be useful for all sorts of cards. In fact, I was even inspired to make a Man's card (and you know how I hate making those, don't you?) using a couple of the great die-cuts that I found in there and mixing them in with some of my own stash.
And, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know, there's even another pun to go with it!
I was sooooo busy yesterday that I didn't get to load more pics from the Bloom & Grow Maze book, so here are the first batch of pages.
The wonderfully talented Beckie Dreyer has just relaunched her lovely BumbleberryCrafts forum - and there will be kits to follow soon too. She's got a fab LO tutorial on there all about using the paper you have left over after cutting a circle from it for another page/project. Now this is not a patch on what Beckie's done, but I did use the circle I punched to make the photo holder in the 2nd pic to make the tag on the 3rd pic. Only drawback is that I then had to cut a white circle to cover the tag with - so I now have a white "hole" left over.
hmmm, that didn't really go as planned, did it?
Did I already wrote that I love your work? :)
WOW This is fantastic!!
Gorgeous and inspirational chick cards!!! The insides of your book are just as beautiful as the outsides hon X
Lovely gorgeousness again - fab vintage chic(k) x
The inside of the book looks fab Kathy and your little chick cards are cute enough that we'll forgive the puns, I reckon!
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