Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Making s Striped Wax Seal

Making s Striped Wax Seal  

I wanted to have another try at pouring different colours to make stripes of wax for the background.  Using two colours isn't too tricky if you've got 2 little ovens, 3 is harder.  There are actually 3 shades behind the leaves, but the third one turned out to be quite similar to the first one once it had set so my juggling feat of keeping three spoons of wax melted enough to pour may not have had much point in the end

You do need to have all your colours hot and fluid enough for pouring at the same time, so its a case of warming and rewarming, moving the spoons off and on again in succession until all 3 are hot and ready. 

So, I decided to have another go at this kind of seal and try to take photos while I did! 

Load your spoons with 3 or 4 beads and keep moving them as they melt, I lie one on the metal of the oven when its not actually taking it's turn over the candle, it'll stay a bit warmer than if you take it off completely.  You can see on the photo that the lilac wax is almost ready and I've moved it onto the metal rim while the green wax takes a turn. After a few minutes like this I swap the pink and lilac over to get the lilac warm again

Take you time and make sure all three are ready at the same time, then

take the first colour off and replace with the one thats resting on the metal 

Quickly pour the first colour in a narrow(ish) stripe

Immediately pour a strip from your 2nd colour (which should be the one that's been longest on the oven) either above or below the first

Now pour the final strip of the 3rd colour, again either above or below the others

5. Stamp the seal into the wax as quickly as you can

You're aiming for something like in the picture below. 

Taking a photo took far too long for this to work well and the wax was setting before I stamped the seal into it - hence the messy edges and imperfect image,  I can still use this one though - I'll put it back in the seal and cut round the edge then melt more wax and push the cut-back seal into the new wax


Anyway, I added more wax and repeated the procedure without stopping for a photo and this is the result.


 Your need to work quickly, but it's not too difficult once you get everything lined up and the process sorted out.

 Here's another seal made bu pouring the colours in three blobs and then stamping with a mandala seal - it shows up better once highlighted with a silver pen

It's good to do a few in a sitting - your wax won't take as long to melt after the first one and you can add other beads in to change the colours or make more of the same.  I like the way the striped have workd out on the heart one in the middle!

The first and second seals are by Spellbinders, the mandala seal is by Craspier


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Thank you so much for coming by.
 Happy Crafting, Take care of yourself,
Kathy xx

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