My post on the Get Funky and Craft blog today is a Twisted Tube Treats Box which might come in handy
for Halloween, or Christmas or whatever other reasons you can think of
for giving someone a little treat.
great thing about this one is that you can make it in whatever size you
like as the starting point is simply a rectangle of thick paper or thin
Twisted Tube Treat Box
of the shape of these boxes, the easiest way to work out what size box
you need is to have a "dry run" using a sheet of ordinary A4 paper
first. For instance even using a quarter of a sheet of A4 will produce a
box big enough to hold a lot of small sweets like Smarties or Jelly
Tots - if you want to make tiny boxes to hang on your Christmas Tree,
consider making them even smaller.
So just cut a sheet of scrap A4 into half to start with and follow these instructions to get the idea first on how it works, and work out whether you need a smaller or larger rectangle to create the size box you need
For this Halloween themed treat box, I started with a rectangle that is a quarter of a sheet of A4. I've used Funky Hand's Spookie Dookie download for this one
Turn to the "wrong" side and from one edge, fold in about 1cm and make a crease. Apply glue or tape down the folded piece
the other edge over to line up with the crease and stick down to form a
tube - just like the card inner tube from a loo roll!
flatten one end of the tube - keep the join at one side of the
flattened end, use glue or tape to stick these two edges together. I
find glue is a bit easier to apply on the inside edge. You may find it
useful to have a supply of mini bulldog clips handy to hold all the
edges in place while they dry
the next crease you need to flatten the top end of the box in the other
direction - this time, make the crease but don't do any sticking as
your box needs to be filled first! You should end up with a box with 4
triangular "faces"
At this point you need to decide what to put in it and how to close it.
You could just add glue as before and maybe make a sticker to decorate the box with
you want little boxes to hang on the Christmas Tree you could simply
fill with goodies, then add the glue as before, but remembering to tuck
in a loop of Bakers Twine to hang it with.
if you've made a larger box, punch some holes and thread ribbon
through to hold the opening together - this is nicer for a gift box, I
punch a medium sized circle and stick half down on each side of the box
opening - it would be simple then to open with scissors
How about making 24 of these in some of Funky Hand's Christmas designs (such as these form Funky Hand's Yule Be Funky CDrom)- add a number to each , hang them on a branch or display in a big bowl and you've got a unique and stylish Advent Calendar.
it for this time, I hope you like these little boxes and will have ago
at making some. Thank you for visiting