Friday, September 15, 2023

Take a Break



Welcome to my little crafting place! 
Today I'm sharing my card for this week's Daring Cardmakers challenge
It’s Miri here and I have a new topic for you:
Take a break!
I guess that most of us are back to everyday life after summer. And now let's not forget to take breaks regularly. Show us on your card what "taking a break" means for you: a cup of tea/coffee, a nap, a walk in nature, taking a sun bath, crafting etc.

 I made a nice big cup of cappuccino - because sitting down with one, and hopefully a malty biscuit on the side makes for a perfect break!
I found a suitable cup and saucer shaped image on the net, then used my graphics program on the pc to add the hand;e and a nice big mound of froth.
Once I'd got what I wanted I resized it and printed three copies onto copier paper to use to hand-cut my card shape.  In this case the fold is at the top of the actual cup shape, with the froth and the handle added sperately
I also made the paper designs on the pc and again resized and printed out - I tend to print onto white Bazzill card so that you get extra 'weight' and texture
I sponged a couple of shades of brown ink over the top for the cocoa dusting then added some bronze glass glitter over the top
Unfortunately the shininess isn't picked up on the photo.

Thank you so much for coming by

 Happy Crafting, Take care of yourself,
Kathy xx


1 comment:

Miri said...

I love it, Kathy! As a paper lover and coffee addict, that's just a perfect card in my eyes. I love the chocolate sprinkles and powder on top. Yummy!