Welcome to my Work-desk this sunny Wednesday!
I've been wondering how you do your WOYWW visiting. There are just too many to work through in number order so I've taken to getting up Julia's list, then clicking my mouse pretty much anywhere on it. From whichever blog it lands on I then pick one or two blogs from the comments list to visit and so on - it's a bit like a magical mystery tour and adds another element of fun to the whole thing!
Next time I have a few spare minutes I start off somewhere else on Julia's list and do the whole thing again
I'm busy making another version of the One Page Wonder Pocket Book. The last one I made was a Birthday Book - this one going to be called "Sweet Treats" and the tags inside will have some recipes on them. As you can see, it's all still in bits, but I'll post some pictures on here as soon as it's finished.
While I was making this version of the book I took the photos and wrote up the instructions on how to make it as some people have asked for a tutorial - well at long last I got that finished and you can find it on the post below this one. I've also "herded" the tutorials together and added links lists to the sidebar to make them easy to find.
I now need to sweep the book bits into a box and concentrate on my card for Friday's DCM challenge. This one is a real challenge for me so hopefully starting on a Wednesday instead of the last minute Thursday thing will give enough extra time for me to come up with something that won't just look like a dog's breakfast!
Off now to add my link to Julia's wonderful WOYWW list - it's such a great way to meet other crafters and see how they work. If you've not joined in yet click HERE for all the info and how to come and be part of it.
I'll be getting round to visiting many as the desks as I can later.
Thanks for visiting

loved seeing what's on your workdesk today kathy....off to make a cuppa and then relax with your tutorial..hugs kath xxx
Another project I've never don. I should start making a list after this week's WOYWW!
Mary Anne
A very busy desk Kathy! Your book tute is great! x
That minibook looks super sweet will have to pop and check the tut out.
xx Leo
Great idea for putting recipes in Kathy :-)
Anne x
I am a bit haphazard in my WOYWW visiting and like to dip in - like a lucky dip! I also have a few favourites that I always drop in to and then if I have spare moments through the week I call on a few more!! ( I always pop back to catch up on your earlier posts too cos there are always some fab projects on the go!)
ooo another one of those little books!!!! Now why do those tubs with yellow lids remind me of PlayDoh??? Whats in those then? XXX
It's looking good on your desk again Kathy xx
The one page wonder book looks like a great idea and I love all that bling by your desk! Tracey x
Great desk, as for how I visit WOYWW's, I go in order over a few days, I do everyone.
Super organisation and great to see some work in progress. Lovely Maze book, too - great instructions.
What a very interesting desk you've got. Thanks for visiting me. Katheen x
great desk piccie, very creative, im trying to work my way round, but takes longer each week!! have great day, sue,x
I just read the tutorial on the pocket book. Very nicely done. I like the in progress one, too. Happy WOYWW.
oh wow love the idea of my garden being worthy of a magazine, will post the other half of the garden next week (the bit that most definitely would not get published)
wow look at all those little round stacker pots, my my you are just going to have to do a zoom in on them
Hugs Kate xx
I try and visit all the regular readers who come see me and who I know WOYWW as well, then I try and do everyone who comments on me and then if I have time I do the lucky dip thing. You don't half meet some interesting people don't you? One of these days I'll get round everyone - I used to be able to when it was in the early days but now its got so HUGE!
Thank you for you well wishes for Lucy. Fingers crossed she had another appointment today (and got treated like a celeb!) things are looking up.
No you can't visit everyone! but, it's nice trying. Love your pocket book. Your desk looks busy.
OK ... Well ... I start at number 1 and work my way down. Then after a break I start at the end of the list and work my way up! Then after another break I start at the new end and work my way up ... then I just keep popping in and working my way up until I recognise a post I have already seen! Why I do it like that I have no idea ... it kind of takes the pressure off getting to the very end ... if you know what I mean! I bet you are glad you asked X
ohhhhh you have so many colorful lil embellies!! love your workspace its an inspiration center with so much color..love it!!! xoxo hugs
lOvely work desk, love all your storsge tubs, just bought some to store my beads in
Great workdesk, I know what you mean about getting round to see everyone. Your idea sounds good! ikki
Will be re-visitng for the tutorial - thanks! You know I love everyhting you do, but can't help but notice the piglet notepapers behind the magnifying glass - how sweet are they!
Checking up on me, Kathy!!!!! I have a confession. I don't have anything on my workdesk today. I had a big tidy up yesterday so I took some pics of my craft room instead and now I can't find them so think I must have deleted them before taking them off my camera-technology!!! It's too dark to re do them now so I'll save them for next week.
I, like you, just dip in and out of Julia's list but have found some wonderful new blogs in the process.
As always you have lots of interesting things going on here. I think I would like to come and play at your house!! I like the flowers, are they stuck on your light?
See you at WOYWW next week.
Hugs Lisax
when I first started with woyww there were less people and I made every effort to visit all the blogs, but now it is just impossible. so each week i have a different starting place, sometimes I go down the first column first, other times I go across the rows, other times its just random clicking. I do this for a couple of days and then after that I go through all the comments that have been left for me and make sure I have def visited and left comments for each of those people.
Love your choclate chip cookies book.
Hi Kathy,
I did smile when I read about your lucky dip viewing, I do the same some days when time is short.
I have managed to view and comment on everyones a couple of times before though.
Loved looking over your busy crafting space, thanks for sharing!
Keryn x
What an amusing way, if a tad complicated, of visiting us all!! I used to be good and do it in number order but there's so many now I can't get to everyone. Love your decorated lamp, haven't picked up on that before.
Lovely desk and so organised too. Thank you for the tutorial, it is very well done. BTW love your cards they are so lovely and finished.
Thank you SO much for the sweet comment you left me - come any time!! Loved looking at your desk, and your shelves full of little pots of wonderfulness, a creative oasis!
Love your pocket book, great crafy space you hae and sooo many, is that brads!? Happy WOYWW on Thursday!
Sorry I am so late in calling in on your blog this week. It's been a really manic week for me. Fab tut. Thanks for sharing it.
A x
i started at the top - did what I could between breakfast job 1 emails and then going to job 2 - got home - started from the back end so to speak , stopped at 23 00 and did the rest today..
Fab desk and love all the variety of stash in those pots !!
always a pleasure to come and have a peep at your workspace x
Lots of lovely stuff here to ogle at, my eyes didn't quite know where to rest!
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