Friday, May 31, 2024

Showers and Flowers


Welcome to my little crafting place! 
It's been an eventful few weeks!
We were really happy to have my aunt and uncle to stay with us for a week, and it was a lovely busy time with lots of family meet ups and days out.  The weather played nicely and we were able to spend a lot of the time outside. My aunt was thrilled to bits to meet her Great Great Niece (19 months old and full of beans) for the very first time.
And then Hubby and I came down with a horrible col whjich really knocked us for six and I'm only just beginning to feel 'normal'
So that's my excuse afor yet again Ifalling behind with my blogging!
I will catch up in due course but today is Daring Cardmakers Day so I'm going to share my card for this week's challenge, set by Joanne - which was a really good 'rehabilitation' one for me as I've barely sat at my craft desk for the last few weeks and hadn't actually made anything at all until yesterday

Joanne said:

Showers and Flowers

It’s Joanne here with this week’s challenge. It seems to have done nothing but rain here in the UK for weeks! That does mean that everything in the garden is doing well so this week I’d like to see you being inspired by showers and/or flowers. Your card might represent rain or use a technique that involves spraying water, it might be floral — extra brownie points if both showers and flowers get a look in!

 Dies, ancient and modern are all by Spellbinders!

Umbrella is from Sneaking a Kiss  

Mock Orange Blossom


Loopy 'with love' sentiment is lovely, but sadly no longer available, sorry



Just a Note

If you buy from Spellbinders and you're happy to help out a crafty
 friend with a stash addiction...
  HERE is my Affiliate Link to the Spellbinders store - you can use it to access the store any time, and I'd really appreciate it if you did, don't worry, it doesn't cost you anything!
There's a UK based shop now, so you can use the 'Visit Our UK Store' button at the top right of any page on the Spellbinders site  


Thank you so much for coming by.
 Happy Crafting, Take care of yourself,
Kathy xx

1 comment:

Angelnorth said...

This is so cheerful Kathy, love the vibrant colours and the umbrella makes a lovely flower holder!