Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Something Funky Afoot!

Since Christmas I've been busy working on projects for a couple of the DT's I'm lucky enough to be involved with.  Top of the "to-do" list for immediately after Christmas was getting down to, making samples for the up-coming release of the new Funky Hand CD.  As I waved "Goodbye" to my rellies on  3rd Jan, suddenly the 16th of Janiary sounded very close indeed.

Anyway, I thought I'd tempt you with some glimpses/sneak peeks.
The CD is called "Dreams Come True" and if you love to have lots wonderful paper designs in lots of different colour-ways, then this really is a dream come true.  Every time I look through the collections that are on the CDs, or see things that the other DT members have made, I'm seeing designs and colours that I hadn't spotted before!  I know that sound mad, but it's true.

This is a sneak peek of the first thing I made.  I think you can see at least 6 of the designs in this gorgeous colour theme on here, but there are still lots more to choose from - I just couldn't squeeze them all on one project

 Sneak peek number 2 uses another of my favourite colour themes, I adore the muted reds, greens etc in this set.  Both of these colour themes are fab for masculine projects as well as girly ones.  I'm thrilled to have things like this at my fingertips as I always struggle to find papers in my collection that I can use for all the nephews and other males in our family.

The big news is that Anice has today released the CD for pre order on the Funky Hand Website, they won't be mailed out till after the TV launch, but you can have "first dibs" by getting over there and placing your order HERE

Oooooh did I just mention the Telly?  
Yep, the official launch for "Dreams Come True" will take place on Ideal World's Create and Craft on Saturday 16th January at 12noon - if you don't have the freeview/satellite channels on your regular TV to watch it you can still tune in via your computer and see Anice doing her stuff and showing all the samples the team have been making over the last couple of weeks.

There's another show scheduled for  Friday 22nd  January at 2pm if you miss the first one or just want to see more!

I'll add a couple more sneakie peekies as the week goes on.
Right, I've been doing the dreaded housework this morning, so now it's time for lunch and then I get to craft, woohoo

Hope your snow is melting fast!


  1. Love the sneak peeks Kathy - especially the black and white one. The designs look lush!

  2. ooo these look pretty..looking forward to seeing all of them XXX

  3. Oooo how exciting Kathy. Those sneaky peeks look lovely xx

  4. Looks like you're doing it jsutice Kathy. How exciting!

  5. Thee are looking great Kathy, I especially like the black and whit eone. Looking forward to seeing the projects in their full glory!

  6. They look lovely. I was looking at the CD on Funky Hand and wondering.... What are you printing onto?

  7. Ooh, teasing us with these little peeks! Gonna keep me eye open for these and check out the site. Thankyou

    Mel X

  8. you have a bunch of yummy bits here, you're making me hungry to see them all!

    Blessings, Maria

  9. Wow kathy they are gorgeous you make it look so easy to create such lovely pieces of work! take care Sal x


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Happy Crafting!