Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Or "Good Morning"

Got back late last night from a week's holiday on the Greek island of Crete. Don't worry - I'll bore you senseless with photos soon enough, but just wanted to pop in here straightaway and say a huge "Thank You" to all who left messages on the last posting - I've had a lovely time reading them all and they are all added onto the message list now.

I've also had a lovely email from Jeanne to say that she's got her book HOORAY! - Apparently it was deliveredf to the wrong house - looks like it doesn't matter where you live posties can still manage to get it wrong sometimes! Hey we've had mail delivered where the only thing in the address that matches ours is the number on the door - wrong name, street, town but the right door number!

Back later with a proper catch up


  1. Hello Kathy - nice to see you back! Glad you had a lovely week away.

  2. Welcome back Kathy - you chose the best week to go away - it has been like Winter again in the UK. Can't wait to see your piccies :-)


  3. Welcome home, Kathy. Hope you had a great holiday. I'd kill for a wee week in Greece right now.


  4. Great to have you back Kathy, we've missed you .... x


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Happy Crafting!